Cozy ski apartment is located in Hotel in the centre of Ski Resort 1450. This apartment is excellent investment opportunity - you can stay there durin
Wohnung zum kaufen in Kolašin
PLZ /Ort:
40,00 m²
255.000,00 €
Cozy ski apartment is located in Hotel in the centre of Ski Resort 1450. This apartment is excellent investment opportunity - you can stay there during ski season and summer season, and the rest of the year, you can rent it and get a return of investment.
Model for all Units rentals will be Rental Pool, 60% to the Unit owner and 40% to the Hotel after deducting costs.
Kolasin has seen a record summer number of tourists this Year due to the Highway opening and has surpassed the 2021/2022 Ski season by more than 40% in visits. Kolasin is also under steady and continuous influx of investments and Government focus for development in the North.
Masterplan for Kolasin includes 100+km of Ski slopes (currently 42km), 20+ Hotels on 1450 Ski Center and 1600 Ski Center and infrastructure improvements that will connect the North-Eastern part of Montenegro with Kolasin, as well as continuation of Highway construction towards the border. Average time to get to the Resort from capital Podgorica is 50 minutes, and from 1h30min from the coast of Montenegro.
Cozy ski apartment is located in Hotel in the centre of Ski Resort 1450. This apartment is excellent investment opportunity - you can stay there durin lautet die Titelzeile dieses Angebots in der NewHome Immobiliensuchmaschine. Mehr Inserate sind unter dem folgenden Suchergebnis zu finden: . Der hat ähnliche Immobilien aufgelistet. Unter sind weitere Immobilien-Exposé’s zum mieten und kaufen zu finden.
Der Anbieter Red Panda Properties Ansprechpartner Mario Totzek, Prager Str.326 in 04289 Leipzig hat noch weitere Objekte in der NewHome Datenbank inseriert.
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